Flexifold has recently completed the renovation project for The MIRA Hotel 18/F banquet hall. Due to the original operable partition installed in the venue are showing signs of failure, client is looking for a new set of partition to rectify the issue. Client is looking for a set of operable partition that is robust, easy to operate while retaining a good level of acoustic integrity.
In this project, Flexifold uses its “Type B” roller and track system to assure client can divide their banquet hall space in multiple configurations. This allows the banquet crew to have multiple dividing solutions at their hand to handle busy banquet hall event schedules.
F-100 series is used for the banquet hall to provide good acoustic integrity and prevent sound transmission in between parallel banquet events.
For more information, visit: http://www.flexifoldhk.com/en/items-en/hotel-en/704.html